Monica Rogers-Fletcher

Intuitive Inspired Influence

Success Insights – Growing through navigating rough seas

Leaders are typically busy.  There is always something on our agenda and every activity is important.  The better we are at leading, the greater our influence, the more packed our agenda is with critical matters.  So, for many of us, it would be ideal if our world would consistently run smoothly, enabling us to get all our priorities addressed. Life would be a breeze, and we would be able to make it through each day with normal heart beats. If only!

The reality is that it is rare that a leader will have two consecutive trouble-free days.  I hesitate to say consecutive ‘good’ days because, even days of trouble, once we navigate them successfully, can turn out to be quite beneficial. This is where the challenge lies my friend.  It is hard to accept, that we must not only live with problems and difficulties, but we must learn to accept them, value them and use them as catalysts for growing.

When we change our perspectives in keeping with this truth, then we would not avoid bad days and reject adversity, but welcome them as opportunities to develop our resilience and creativity.  In fact, growing leaders actively venture into new areas and situations, that they are not familiar with, and which stretch their abilities, because they understand how necessary this process is for their continued development and advancement.

Often good leaders are multi-talented.  Overcoming normal challenges for them soon becomes a walk in the park and complacency sets in.  Don’t get me wrong my friend, I am not saying that they stop working diligently. That is not the case. What really happens is they begin to do only what is comfortable, settling into regular routines and easy pickings and they stop growing, no longer seeking to chart new territory.  This can happen so subtly that it takes a while to realize that their success has plateaued. 

My friend, if this is not you. If you want to develop the ability to welcome and embrace the rough seas of adversity and in the process enhance your capacity to navigate them effectively, so that you and your business may thrive, then I can help I am just a click or email away.  Professional Coaching develops your affinity for and capability to face and overcome the challenges that naturally come with success.   Engage my services so that I may cheer you along on your journey, so you may become confident in your ability to make it through the storms. 

Invest in yourself and let your growth compound your success.

Your Success is my Business


P.S. An excellent option that is available for your team right now as we navigate through the current difficulties in leading successfully through the Covid-19 pandemic is a virtual mastermind on Leading through Crisis and Navigating Adversity.  You may click here to learn more and to sign up for either the standard or advanced leadership masterclasses for your team.

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